Thursday, November 20, 2014

My HOPE in starting...........

                  Hi friends it was my new starting in the hope of happening some thing good in my life .
            There are many kind of ISSUES in our life caused by our neighbors ,friends,lovers,siblings,relatives etc and we can come out with that by avoiding talking to them but we cant satisfy our ego and we cant  stay happy with them YES that's true every one facing with this problem with there most loved one's like friends,lovers etc there are many stores and experiences in ever one day to day life we can simply solve that problem by our self only and no one need to help in that aspects 

Things to do in such a situations

           think a while and take a deep breath start talking about the positive things explaining about him and his nature which impress's that person and make him cool his temper and say slowly with low voice "i done a mistake ,i should not do like this ".....
              sure reply will come in positive manner like "actually even i should not do like this i hurt ed you"
 if that person not in that manner give him one more chance to cool his temper after  he cooled ,if he accept his mistake then he is in genuine relation with you and never loose such a person in your life 
          in the same way if don't you should be careful with him he might expecting some thing fever from you 


     while your in temper never take a decision make a right decision in cool manner to be cool down take a deep breath twice or trice which brings you to the normal possession .because decisions in anger may spoils your life.  
                  that's it guys do u have more experiences like this and tips related  please share  

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